Park Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
7:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Park)
9:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Community Center)
Saturday & Sunday
7:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Park)
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM (Community Center)
Park Rules
Use of the park is restricted to registered Bal Harbour residents and their guests. Village residents must use their Village-issued All Access card (or photo identification) to enter the park. Residents are limited to 4 guests, however guests must be signed in by the hosting resident at time of entry. No guests are permitted without the hosting resident present during the entire time the guest is in the park. Anyone under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Registration, rental forms, and free All Access cards (resident identification cards) are available at the community center during posted hours. Violations of the rules and regulations may result in offending individual’s removal from the premises and police action for serious violations.
Prohibited items/activities:
- No entry before or after posted hours
- Fireworks
- Weapons, except firearms as regulated by Florida Statute Chapter 790
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Smoking
- Gambling
- Glass Containers
- Vehicles, bicycles, skating equipment within the fenced perimeter
- Barbeques or hibachis or any open flame producing cooking devices
- Pets except service animals, which must be under the control of the owner, as per Florida Statute Section 413.08(3).
- Camping or erection of tents/shade shelters
- Bounce houses, water slides, rock climbing walls, wading pools, or water balloons (except during Village produced Special Events) or as authorized by the Recreation, Arts & Culture Department Director.
- Posting or affixing any notices outside of authorized notice boards without the written permission of the Recreation, Arts & Culture Department Director.
- Defacing or destruction of any posted notices, rules or regulations.
- Defacing or destruction of any property (fences, benches, tables, building, etc.) or throwing anything in the water area.
- Attaching any swing, play or exercise device to any tree or pole
- Climbing, cutting, breaking, picing or injuring trees, shrubs, plants, turf, etc.
- Setting up booths, tables, or stands for the sale or distribution of any article whatsoever, or attempting to sell any articles, on or about such facilities and grounds at any time.
- Unruly or disorderly behavior
- Loudspeakers, boom boxes, amplifiers, bullhorns, radio, or other means of sound amplification
- Malicious vandalism to any part of the park, including but not limited to, any electrical, water, recreational or other equipment, structure, sign or installation in the park.
- Engaging in any organized or pickup athletic, recreation, or special events, games, practice for same, or group exercise without the written permission of the Recreation, Arts & Culture Department Director.