Holiday Pick-up Schedule
The collection services for Solid Waste, Bulk Waste, and Recycling from all Residential Service Units are performed as scheduled, regardless of Holidays.
Solid Waste Garbage Collection
Residential Gated Community: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
West Side Collins Avenue: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Ocean Front and Commercial: Daily, seven days per week
Each household is provided with one or more standard 96-gallon grey waste carts. Your wheeled cart is designed to hold all of your garbage. Trash collection is provided every service day, rain or shine.
Accepted Items
The following items may be placed into the appropriate provided receptacles:
- All kitchen and table food waste, animal, vegetative, food, or any organic waste that is associated with the storage, preparation, cooking, or handling of food materials.
Not Permitted
- Recyclables
- Bulk Waste
- Contractor-generated Waste
- Hazardous Materials
Important Tips
- Make sure all waste fits inside the grey waste cart and the lid closes completely.
- Bag your household garbage before placing it in the cart, and rinse/clean your cart as needed.
- Please don’t stack items on top of or alongside your waste cart. Those item can not and will not be collected.
- Do not use the grey waste cart for rocks, dirt, tile, construction and demolition debris, free-flowing liquids, flammables, automobile batteries, propane tanks or other home chemical waste.
- If you move to a new residence, leave your grey waste cart behind for use by the next resident.
If your grey waste cart is stolen, call the Bal Harbour Police Department (non-emergency number) at 305.866.5000 and obtain a case number. Then contact the Public Works & Beautification Department Solid Waste Liaison at 305.993.7391 or publicworks@balharbourfl.gov.
A replacement cart will be delivered to you at no charge with the police case number. If your cart is damaged, report it to the same contacts above and a replacement cart will be provided at no charge. If your cart is damaged because of misuse or placement of unacceptable materials, you will be responsible for purchasing a replacement cart.
Residential Cooking Oil
Disposing of used cooking oil is an environmentally important task. There are several ways to safely reuse or dispose of it, but it should never be poured down the sink or toilet. Grease can thicken and clog the pipes. Remember, oil / grease disposed of down the drain can pollute the water table and affect wildlife and the environment.
How to Dispose of Residential Cooking Oil
- Allow cooking oil to cool completely before handling.
- Decide whether the oil can be reused.
- Oil used for deep-frying such as peanut oil, can usually be reused several times.
- Strain the oil and store it in a sealable container for reuse.
- Some stores sell pots to recycle oil. The pots serve to store the oil once used and they have a strainer like fixture on top that collects all the loose particles.
- Alternatively, recycle large amounts of used cooking oil with the help of a cooperative local restaurant. Most restaurants have used grease bins whose contents are recycled into consumer products. Ask if you can add your used oil to their grease bin.
- Compost it. If you have a compost heap or a healthy backyard earthworm population, feed them kitchen scraps and cooled cooking oil.
- Allow cooking oil to cool completely before disposing of it.
- If the amount of cooking oil is small, carefully pour it into a strong sealable container such as a coffee can or an old plastic or glass jar.
- Dispose of the cooking oil with the residential garbage collection.
Commercial Disposal of Cooking Oil
Commercial Businesses cannot use the Home Chemical Collection Centers for disposal. Businesses are to follow Permitting, Environment and Regulatory Affairs regulations for permits.
Recycling Collection
- Residential Gated Community: Tuesday, Thursday
- West Side Collins Avenue: Tuesday, Thursday
- Ocean Front and Commercial: Tuesday, Thursday
Bal Harbour Village utilizes a “Single Stream” approach to recycling which means you no longer have to separate your recyclable materials. Thanks to your enthusiastic participation, our single-stream recycling program is having quite a positive impact on our environment. The following items may be placed into the appropriate provided blue recycling carts:
Recycle these Items
- Paper Products: newspapers, magazines, catalogs, telephone books, printer paper, copier paper, mail, all other office paper without wax liners
- Cardboard: packing boxes, cereal boxes, gift boxes, corrugated cardboard; flatten all boxes prior to placing them in your cart.
- Cans: steel and aluminum food & beverage cans; aluminum bottles are also accepted.
- Cartons: aseptic poly-coated drink boxes, juice cartons and milk cartons.
- Bottles: (plastic and glass) – plastic bottles milk, water, detergent, soda and shampoo ) flattened and replace cap); glass bottles.
- All items need to be clean and free of food and debris to be accepted.
Do Not Recycle These
- Plastic bags: do not place recyclables in plastic bags or place loose plastic bags in the recycling cart.
- Pizza boxes.
- Papers or cardboard soiled with liquid or food waste.
- Batteries: dry cell batteries, lead acid batteries, or car batteries.
- Certain plastics: plastic bags, cups, utensils and plates, clamshell containers, polystyrene (foam) products, egg cartons and trays, margarine and butter tubs, yogurt cups, plastic hangers.
- Certain glass products: window or auto glass, light bulbs, mirrors, glass cookware or bakeware, ceramics.
- Other non-recyclables: wire coat hangers, small appliances, microwave trays.
- Home chemicals: paints, pesticides, pool chemicals, fertilizers and other household hazardous waste.
- Garbage / food waste or other non-recyclable waste: gas cylinders / propane tanks, rocks, dirt, building construction or demolition debris, garden hoses, flammables.
- Medical waste and pharmaceutical items.
- Electronic waste and accessories: PCs, monitors, televisions, printer cartridges, keyboards, cellphones.
- CDs and DVDs
- Textiles: clothes, shoes, bedding, pillows, etc.
Recycling tips
- Make sure all recyclable material fits inside the blue recycling cart and the lid closes completely.
- Do not place your recyclables inside plastic bags. Plastic bags damage the equipment at the recycling facility.
- Do not stack items on top of or alongside your recycling cart. They can’t and won’t be collected.
- Do not use the recycling cart for rocks, dirt, tile, construction and demolition debris, free-flowing liquids, flammables, automobile batteries, propane tanks or other home chemical waste.
- If you move to a new residence, leave your recycling cart behind for use by the next resident.
Hazardous Waste
Did you know that many of the products that we use in our homes like oil-based paint, solvents, pesticides and pool chemicals are actually as hazardous as industrial chemicals? When these products are disposed of improperly, they can pollute our drinking water. The following items are considered hazardous waste which cannot be placed into any garbage or recycling receptacles and must be brought to the appropriate Miami Dade County Disposal Facility or to the Public Works & Beautification Department during one of the semiannual scheduled Bal Harbour Village Hazardous Waste Collection Events. Read about the common hazardous chemicals.
Auto Batteries
Carburetor cleaner
Oil Filters
Used Antifreeze
Used Motor Oil
Household Items
Aerosol Products*
Button Batteries
Batteries (rechargeable)
Drain Cleaners
Fluorescent Lights
Nail Polish / Remover
Oven Cleaner
Polish w/solvents
Spot Removers
Thermometers (mercury)
Lawn & Garden
Bug Spray
Charcoal lighter fluid
Fertilizer w/ weed killer
Insect Killer
Pool Chemicals
Roach / Ant Killer
Rodent Bait
Weed Killer
Home Improvements
Concrete Cleaners
Driveway Sealer
Furniture Stripper
Glue w/solvents
Latex Paint**
Oil Based Paint
Paint Remover
Paint Thinner
Roofing Tar
Stain / Varnish
Wood Preservatives
Empty aerosols can be disposed of in the trash
** When possible, dry out unusable latex paint and dispose of in the trash.
Miami-Dade County (2) Permanent Home Chemical Collection Centers:
- West Dade 8831 NW 58 Street
- South Dade 23707 SW 97 Avenue Gate-B
The hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday and the contact number for Miami-Dade County is 305.594.1500. Home chemical website.
Proper delivery of home chemicals
Certain chemical products can be delivered to a Miami-Dade County Home Chemical Collection Center for proper disposal. When preparing to deliver a chemical product, remember:
- Pack all containers upright in sturdy boxes
- Tighten lids and caps on all containers
- Place leaking containers in a larger container, along with an absorbent material such as newspaper.
- Make sure all containers are labeled. If the original label has fallen off, re-label it with the contents or any information you have, or label it “UNKNOWN CHEMICALS”.
- Read the Home Chemical Disposal brochure
Bulk Waste Collection
Bulk Waste collection services are available to our residents Village wide one day per week. The information below provides guideline for this service.
Residential Gated Community: Thursday
West Side Collins Avenue: Call to schedule by 5pm on Wednesday, for Thursday pick up.
Ocean Front and Commercial: Call to schedule by 5pm on Wednesday, for Thursday pick up.
To schedule bulk pick up, call 305.993.7367 or 305.993.7368 or email publicworks@balharbourfl.gov. Items for bulk can be placed out as early as 8:30am on Wednesday (24 hours in advance) but should be placed no later than 8:30am on Thursday, as collection will take place any time after 8:30am.
Permitted Items
The following items may be placed at the curb in the front of residential homes within the Residential Gated Community. Multifamily homes and Condominiums have designated collections points at each multifamily building along Collins Avenue.
The following items shall not be placed on anything that may be damaged or against anything that may be damaged by the mechanical equipment picking up the debris:
- White Goods, furniture, equipment, and other similar items including materials resulting from minor home repairs.
- All types of palm fronds and any vegetative matter resulting from normal yard and landscaping maintenance that exceeds six inches (6″) in diameter.
Not Permitted
- Bulk Waste generated by builders, building contractors, privately employed tree trimmer and tree surgeons, landscape services, lawn or yard maintenance services, and nurseries. The resident must perform the work that results in the bulk waste.
- Recyclables
- Glass tables, mirrors, or anything that can shatter when picked up
- Concrete
- Hazardous Materials
- Missed Collections
If the Collection of any Residential Service Unit is missed during the regular route Collection, contact the Public Works & Beautification Department, Solid Waste Liaison at 305.993.7367 or 305.993.7368.
We will coordinate the rescheduling of your service.
Starting Waste Service
To begin using waste services, take these simple steps:
- If you are the new owner of a previously-owned home, your service will be arranged when you obtain a new water service account from the Bal Harbour Village Finance Department.
If you do not find the grey waste or blue recycling carts at the property, contact the Public Works & Beautification Department, Solid Waste Liaison at 305.993.7367 or 305.993.7368.
We will coordinate the delivery of your carts.