
The Village sewer collection system utilizes sewer laterals, manholes, gravity mains, force mains, and pump stations to discharge sewer. The Sewer Division is responsible for ensuring that the sewer collection system is properly maintained to ensure adequate gravity flow and efficient pumping conditions. The Division is also responsible to ensure that stormwater does not flow into the system from the streets (inflow) and through the ground (infiltration). Both sources of water affect the capacity of the system.

The majority of houses and buildings have two sewer cleanouts on the sewer lateral between the building and the gravity main. The cleanout close to the house is the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain and use. Plumbers frequently use this sewer cleanout to clear blockages that are called in by the homeowner. The cleanout close to the road is the responsibility of the Village to maintain. These cleanouts are usually located three feet behind the curb in line with the sewer lateral that comes from the house.

If a resident notices a sewer backup that is discharging from the top of the cleanout, please give the Sewer Division a call 305.993.7391, email or after hours call 305.993.7360.

The Sewer Division discourages the use of flushable wipes due to the inability of the wipe to break down or decompose in the sewer system. Disposing of oils into the drain is also discouraged. These oils solidify after time and restrict the space needed to pass sewage to the Village sewer main. Both flushable wipes and grease buildup are the most common form of sewer blockages within a sewer lateral. Sewer blockages in between the Village sewer cleanout and the home is the responsibility of the homeowner. A licensed plumber is usually called by the resident to clear the blockage or jet the pipe with a high-velocity water cleaner.

If the location of a sewer blockage is unknown, a resident may call 305.993.7391, or email during normal business hours or call 305.993.7360 after hours.