Due to inclement weather, this meeting will be conducted by Zoom onlyBudget Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Agenda:
Long Version of the Agenda with all Documents Included
The meeting will be conducted via Zoom.
Passcode: 032055
Or Telephone: +1 305 224 1968 US. Webinar ID: 895 8244 2381 Passcode: 032055
All persons wishing to address the Committee virtually, may also leave a voice message at 305-865-6449, or send an email to meetings@balharbourfl.gov. Comments submitted by voicemail and email will be monitored throughout the meeting.
All persons who need assistance or special accommodations to participate in meetings, please contact the Village Clerk’s Office (305-866-4633) no later than two business days prior to such proceeding.
We continue to urge residents to sign up for Bal Harbour Alerts, which will be sent directly to your cell phone.