Village Hall655 96 Street
Bal Harbour, FL 33154
Need to get rid of sensitive documents? Enjoy this complimentary service and take the opportunity to declutter your home, office, or storage unit.
Bal Harbour residents will have the opportunity to safely dispose of their personal documents at Village Hall. A secure mobile shredding service will be onsite from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Friday, September 27.
Residents who are not able to come in person may drop off documents in advance at Village Hall. Bins will be available in advance and will be included in the document shredding event. Residents may drop off items in advance at Village Hall beginning at 9 a.m. on Friday morning.
Only paper documents are accepted (staples are permitted). No cardboard, CDs, DVDs, binders, x-rays, paper clips, binder clips, rubber bands, binding, or plastic will be accepted.
Documents are securely destroyed using NAID AAA-certified cross-cut technology by Stericycle and paper is recycled after destruction.
For questions, please email clerk@balharbourfl.gov or call 305.866.4633.