Sea View Hotel9909 Collins Avenue
Bal Harbour, FL 33154
Unscripted Author Chat with Marshall Jon Fisher
Presented by Bal Harbour Village & The Miami Book Fair
Explore the captivating narrative of the 1972 Miami Dolphins’ perfect season as author Marshall Jon Fisher discusses his book, “Seventeen and Oh: Miami, 1972, and the NFL’s Only Perfect Season.” Immerse yourself in the unforgettable tale of the 1972 Miami Dolphins—an inspiring journey through the highs, lows, and triumphs of the NFL’s sole undefeated team. Marshall Jon Fisher brings this extraordinary season to life, offering profound insights into the individuals, the era, and the city that witnessed their remarkable feat.
Copies of Marshall Jon Fisher’s book, “Seventeen and Oh: Miami, 1972, and the NFL’s Only Perfect Season” will be available for purchase by Books & Books along with an author signing at the event.
Bal Harbour residents and hotel guests are invited to indulge in an exclusive VIP Reception beginning at 6:30 p.m., prior to the Author Chat at the Sea View Hotel.
This event marks the kick-off of the “Sports History in South Florida” exhibit set along the scenic beach path in Bal Harbour. The exhibit is a tribute to the rich sporting heritage that has defined the South Florida community for the past several decades.
Event is complimentary, but RSVP is requested. Reservations can be made online at authorchat1019.eventbrite.com.
Complimentary parking at the Sea View Hotel will be available to all event guests.
About the Author
Marshall Jon Fisher’s work has appeared in the Atlantic, Harper’s, and other magazines, and has been collected in Best American Essays. His 2009 book A Terrible Splendor was published to great acclaim, winning the PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports Writing. Fisher grew up in Miami and lives in the Berkshires.