The beach with the buildings behind

Village Manager

Jorge M. Gonzalez has served as the Village Manager of Bal Harbour Village since November 12, 2013. Mr. Gonzalez is responsible for providing executive level leadership, vision and guidance to the organization, providing recommendations to the Village Council and implementing policy directives in an efficient and effective manner – all part of an incredibly diverse and dynamic community.

Mr. Gonzalez was recently featured in the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Member Spotlight for September 2022, highlighting his journey in public service and sharing his advice to individuals interested in pursuing a career in local government. You can read the spotlight here or watch the interview here.

On a weekly basis, the Village Manager sends Letters to Council to communicate important information about ongoing projects, activities, and/or upcoming events. These can be viewed through the link below.

View Current Letters to Council

View Archived Letters to Council

On an annual basis, the Village Manager prepares a report summarizing the activities and achievements accomplished throughout the previous fiscal year. The last two years are available to view below, as well as a link to view previous years.

2022-23 Village Manager Annual Report

2021-22 Village Manager Annual Report

Previous Annual Reports

Discover the Bal Harbour Experience

The priorities and goals of the Village Manager’s office are aligned with the Bal Harbour Mission, Vision, and Values, in order to strive towards delivering the Bal Harbour Experience to our residents and visitors.

Learn More

Venn diagram of the Bal Harbour Experience, where the Bal Harbour Experience is the center merging the elements of Beautiful Environment, Destination & Amenities, Unique & Elegant, and Safety.