Bird's eye view of Bal Harbour Village skyline from the southeast.

Bal Harbour Shops Lawsuit Update

After a several month delay, the Whitmans have filed an amended complaint. A link to the full text of that complaint may be found below. The Whitmans’ case is premised on two demonstrably false accusations:

  1. The Whitmans seem to believe that the Live Local Act allows them to build whatever they want without respect for local ordinances that were created to maintain a Village in which all people are treated with dignity, equity, and respect. (page 25 paragraph 107 of the Amended Complaint)
  2. The Whitmans continue to vilify Bal Harbour, alleging that it is an inherently antisemitic and racist community, and that this antisemitism and racism has led to an unspoken policy of opposing “affordable housing as antithetical to the Village’s identity as an exclusive and luxurious community and something that needs to be protected against at any and all costs.”(page 6 paragraph 26 through page 7 paragraph 27 of the Amended Complaint)

We believe that the Village is beyond reproach with respect to each of these accusations. We believe the Amended Complaint is meritless and we intend to vigorously defend the Village from these scurrilous claims.

Additionally, while this case moves toward trial, the Whitmans have demonstrated a willingness to continue to use their resources and the existing lawsuit to challenge our duty to govern our Village in a fair and responsible manner. It is a shame that the Whitmans have taken this approach as opposed to working with the Village collaboratively as in years past.  As we prepare to defend ourselves against current and future accusations, we can only continue to encourage the Whitmans, both publicly and privately, to refrain from further accusations and provocations.

Whitman Amended Complaint
Live Local Act – Full Text
Ordinance Amendment Ensuring Dignified and Respectful Housing (banning “Poor Doors”)
Oceanfront & Off-Street Parking Ordinance Amendments
Amending Chapter 11 “Nuisances,” Article II “Noise” of The Code Of Ordinances

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